R2HC in numbers

We’ve achieved a lot in the first decade of R2HC. Here’s a snapshot of where we focus our efforts.

Our research studies

These six short blogs tell our story. We explore and reflect on topics that have played a key role in shaping the programme, and continue to inform our future direction.

Studies funded through annual open funding calls
Studies funded through responsive or thematic funding calls

Number of studies funded, by focus area

R2HC grantees, by organisation type

Who and where we fund

Our purpose is clear: to empower the humanitarian community to improve humanitarian response. We make this happen by supporting and championing the outcomes of robust research across the world.

Research outputs

Research outputs summarise the findings and implications for humanitarian operational organisations.

Peer-reviewed publications
Grey literature outputs
Research snapshots
Impact case studies

Our key publications

Our resources support the humanitarian health research community to respond to evidence gaps and deliver high-quality research.

Image credits

  1. Image courtesy of [Photographer/Artist Name]
  2. Image courtesy of [Photographer/Artist Name]