Voices from the research community

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How has working with global clusters shaped your research? What inputs do government stakeholders want from research? Why is it important for teams to include local researchers?

These are some of the questions members of the research community explore, not only the academics but also those working for governments and NGOs.

In our series of interviews, recorded at our 2019 R2HC Research Forum, voices from the research community share their experiences, insight and advice on working together for better humanitarian health research.

Rana Dajani, Hashemite University

Courtney Welton-Mitchell, Colorado School of Public Health

Miatta Gbanya, Ministry of Health, Liberia

Mohamed Jelle, UCL Institute for Global Health

Daniele Lantagne, Tufts University

Rabih El Chammay, Ministry of Public Health of Lebanon

Linda Mobula, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Mesfin Teklu Tessema, International Rescue Committee

Lisa Schwartz, McMasters University

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Research Snapshot: Preventing devastating 'river epilepsy'
Effect of a Multicomponent Behavioral Intervention in Adults Impaired by Psychological Distress in a Conflict-Affected Area of Pakistan
A systematic literature review of the quality of evidence for injury and rehabilitation interventions in humanitarian crises
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