Implementing Problem Management Plus (PM+): Three Case Studies from Ethiopia‚ Syria and Honduras

Dr. Ashley Nemiro,Sendrine Constant,Dr. Edith van T Hof
Output type
Case study
Focus areas
Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)
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Problem Management Plus (PM+) training held at the Golden Flamenco hotel in Cairo, Egypt on the 6th till the 14th of March, 2018. Held by the World Health Organization and Terre des homes, the training was led by Alison Schafer and Nancy baron. Attendees from left to right: Ahlem Cheffi, Hatem Alaa, Alison Schafer, Alexandre Letzelter, Nancy Baron, Mark Humphrey, Sendrine Constant, Edith Van ‘T Hof, Mellisa, Jennifer Hall, Andy Solomon-Osborne, Tarisai Bere, Sara Algom, Mohamed Salah, Sameh Yousry, Kenneth Carswell, Georgia Karoutzou, Bilal Budair, Pamela Castro, Carmen Valle Trabadelo, Aiysha Malik, Evangelos Tsilis, Ashley Nemiro, Maria Bray, Michail Lavdas, Ashley Leichner, Liyam Eloul, Lina Issa.

Terre des Hommes (TdH) share three case studies from their project Problem Management Plus (PM+), which was found effective in two randomized controlled trials, (RCTs) funded by our Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) programme and by Grand Challenges Canada.

They then went on to receive funding from our HIF programme to implement PM+ in humanitarian agencies, collaborating with eight humanitarian organisations. There are organisations that are already providing evidence-based care but will now use PM+ as a tool to do so.

The three case studies were conducted in Ethiopia, Syria, and Honduras with three different humanitarian organizations between April 2019 through July 2019. To evaluate the relevance and appropriateness of PM+, in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with trainers, supervisors, PM+ helpers, and PM+ clients, to identify barriers and facilitating factors to scale up PM+

Read the case studies to find out more about the impact of PM+.

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Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)
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Terre des hommes