Research Snapshot: Post-abortion care needs in fragile or conflict-affected settings

This research aimed to describe and estimate the burden of all abortion complications and factors associated with severe morbidity among women admitted for postabortion care (PAC) in two referral facilities.
Findings showed that women experienced more severe abortion complications compared to results of similar studies in more stable settings. Potential contributing factors include delays in accessing post-abortion care, low access to contraceptive and safe abortion care, and increased food insecurity leading to iron deficiencies and chronic anaemia.
Results highlight that the need is high for greater access to high quality contraception, safe abortion care, and postabortion care to prevent and manage complications of abortion in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Addressing this challenge should be a high priority for donors and public health actors to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality in fragile and conflict-affected settings.
This snapshot contains key messages, findings, implications for humanitarian policymakers and practitioners and recommendations for further research.