The full Journey to Scale story

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Capacity strengthening
Innovation management

In 2016 we launched our first round of funding for scale through our Journey to Scale. We provided funding, support and guidance to three promising humanitarian innovation projects with the specific aim of accelerating their scale journey.

Watch our wrap-up video to get the full ‘Journey to Scale’ story, meet the people we supported, the changes they made and the lessons we learnt:

Our work on scale goes beyond this funding. We've also been stepping up our work to address some of the systemic challenges that prevent innovations from achieving the most impact, starting with our Too Tough To Scale? report.

We also answer questions such as 'How do you sell your innovation to a large INGO?' and 'What are the challenges of assessing impact when scaling?' in our scaling humanitarian innovation blog series.

Learn about all of our scale work

Find out more about all our scale work: from supporting on-the-ground projects, to championing systematic change and providing tools and guidance to others.

[.cta_link]Read more[.cta_link]

Get advice with our Scaling blog series

Read our Scaling Humanitarian Innovation blog series, where we delve deeper and unpack some of the most pressing barriers to scale.

[.cta_link]Explore the topics[.cta_link]

Other resources

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A Cross-Country Network Analysis of Adolescent Resilience
Evidence on the Effectiveness of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Interventions on Health Outcomes in Humanitarian Crises: A Systematic Review
Expanding access to water quality monitoring with the open-source WaterScope testing platform
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Capacity strengthening
Innovation management
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