SOPs for Data Collection during COVID-19

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REACH enumerators conducting data collection for the 2019 CAR Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment. Photo credit: IMPACT Initiatives.

IMPACT initiatives, with inputs and review support from WHO and Global Health Cluster colleagues, has developed these Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to guide research teams on how to undertake data collection during the COVID-19 outbreak.

These SOPs are in use by research teams evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on Multi-Sectoral Humanitarian Needs in Afghanistan, Ukraine and Bangladesh.

The SOPs are structured as follows:

  1. Assessing risks associated with data collection during COVID-19.
  2. Deciding on the type of data collection based on risk assessment.
  3. Measures to be taken for face-to-face data collection during COVID-19.
  4. Considerations for remote data collection during COVID-19.
  5. Annexes: relevant resources and a checklist of the pre-requisites for conducting phone-based data collection.

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