Progress to Scale Framework

Scaling any innovation is a difficult journey and far from an exact science. Scaling innovations in the humanitarian sector, with it’s harsh environments and complex challenges, is something we know even less about. As a part of our Accelerating the Journey to Scale initiative we have developed a tool, the Progress to Scale Framework, which helps funders and innovators in the humanitarian sector track progress to scale, and understand what support is needed for innovations reaching large scale impact.
Drawing on research and best practices, the framework is divided into five critical areas of understanding. These are the major puzzle pieces that innovators need to have in place in order to scale successfully. For each area there is a set of questions to answer as well as suggested next steps/actions. A rating is also given using a four point scale: green, amber-green, amber-red and red.

Illustration of the Progress to Scale Framework’s five areas of understanding in order for humanitarian innovations to reach sustainable impact at scale.