R2HC Responsive Research Mechanism

Funding through this grant mechanism allows us to respond to exceptional public health emergencies with short-term calls for research. The details of the Funding Call will depend on the nature of the humanitarian emergency and is confirmed once the mechanism is triggered.

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R2HC aims to improve health outcomes by strengthening the evidence base for public health interventions in humanitarian crises.    Under this grant mechanism, we are able to respond to exceptional public health emergencies with short-term Calls for research. The details of the Call will depend on the nature of the humanitarian emergency and will be confirmed once the mechanism is triggered.

The purpose of the responsive mechanism is to respond quickly to the need for high quality research to address public health evidence gaps to address unanticipated humanitarian emergencies.

Why responsive calls?

Responsive calls also offer an opportunity to generate research findings that can be used to influence future responses of a similar nature, or to add to the body of evidence in a particular context.

What is the aim?

An aim is for research findings to contribute in real time to the emergency response and/or is an opportunity for data to be collected at a particular time/place in an unforeseen emergency.

Who is involved?

The R2HC Advisory Group plays a role in monitoring the fast-changing landscape of global humanitarian emergencies and provides guidance on whether to launch a responsive call. Humanitarian stakeholders responding to the crisis are also consulted to ascertain the feasibility of conducting research in the specific emergency context.

Further details regarding the Call will be added to this page when the mechanism is triggered.

Please note this call is not currently open.

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