AI for Humanitarians: Shaping future innovation

Supporting a cohort of humanitarian practitioners to pioneer a problem-led approach and explore the opportunities and risks associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI), we invite practitioners to identify areas of future impact, ripe for further investigation and potential investment.

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Funding amount
Up to £25,000 per grantee for up to 10 grantees
Application deadline
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Supporting a cohort of humanitarian practitioners to pioneer a problem-led approach and explore the opportunities and risks associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI), we will create space for practitioners to identify areas of future impact, ripe for further investigation and potential investment.


We will be hosting a 6-month guided learning journey in 2024. Up to 10 grantees will form a cohort, taking a problem-led approach to collaboratively explore AI opportunities and risks, shaping the future of humanitarian AI.

The grantees will be guided through a curriculum building their knowledge in the field of AI, take part in group discussions and hands-on exercises trialing AI tools, hear from guest speakers and experts from the field to provide real-world insights in best and next practice, as well receive one-on-one support from mentors.

Grantees will:

  • Develop their voice on, and deepen their understanding of, the potential of AI for their own work, crafting a concept note to guide ongoing activity and spark new initiatives.
  • Contribute real-time feedback on the learning journey curriculum, supporting the creation of an open access tool for other humanitarian actors.
  • Build connections with practitioners, innovators and funders from across the humanitarian system, and together, make collective recommendations to decision-makers.

Calling humanitarian practitioners

If you are a humanitarian practitioner curious to explore the potential of AI, to collaborate with others and shape future humanitarian AI interventions, we encourage you to apply!

Potential applicants are advised to monitor this page for any updates, FAQs and additional information, which will be posted below.

The window for submitting expressions of interest is now open with a deadline of 15:59 GMT on Monday 22nd January 2024.  For full information please see the Guidelines, which is available below in English, French, Spanish and Arabic (coming soon). Please note these translations have been completed using an AI program and may not be a precise translation.

To apply for the AI for Humanitarian: Shaping Future Innovation learning journey, submit an Expression of Interest video via our Common Grant Application platform.

Already have an account with Common Grant? Log in to start an application.

Don’t have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

In a world being transformed by AI, we are excited to provide this opportunity for humanitarian practitioners to develop their understanding of the challenges and opportunities AI holds to intervene in the ever more acute and protracted humanitarian crises facing us.

[.slimline-cta-box][.slimline-cta_heading]Get the full details in the Challenge call handbook [.slimline-cta_heading][.slimline-cta_paragraph]For further information about the challenge, evaluation criteria and application timelines please read the Challenge guidelines available below in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. 

Download English version

Download French version

Download Spanish version

Download Arabic version

Please note these translations have been completed using an AI program and may not be a precise translation.[.slimline-cta_paragraph][.slimline-cta-box]

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