Find out all about our research and innovation work in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Strengthening the COVID-19 humanitarian response

As COVID-19 began to spread around the world, the humanitarian community worked to respond to the impact the pandemic would have on those already affected by crises, and the most vulnerable communities. The pandemic brought new challenges for researchers, innovators and humanitarian actors at local, national and global levels.

Here you can find out about our work supporting the humanitarian sector to respond to these challenges, including our latest learning and updates.

Particularly we focus on the outputs from our Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) programme’s Responsive Call on COVID-19, which launched in March 2020.

This page is continually updated as findings are received and our COVID-19 response work grows.

Reporting in Ouaga, 3, Burkina Faso. Photo credit: © Kalidou Sy, Fondation Hirondelle as part of R2HC-funded study: ‘Internally displaced persons, radio and COVID-19 related misinformation in Burkina Faso’.

COVID-19 research studies

We funded 15 humanitarian health research studies as part of our COVID-19 responsive funding call for proposals.

This was an urgent funding call for robust public health research proposals that will contribute to the effectiveness of the current humanitarian response to COVID-19 and increase the evidence base for future responses to similar infectious disease outbreaks.

The selected studies cover a diverse range of topics, outlined below by theme. Visit their study profiles to find out more including their findings, recommendations and outputs.

Humanitarian systems, coordination & evidence sharing (two studies)

1) Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on multi-sectoral humanitarian needs

Lead: IMPACT Initiatives

Locations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Ukraine

2) Gender-based violence (GBV) risk mitigation among non-protection humanitarian sectors in the context of COVID-19

Lead: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Location: Global

Health systems/healthcare delivery (one study)
Predicting outbreaks/modelling (one study)
Get in touch

If you want to learn more about the COVID-19 responsive funding call or our R2HC studies, please get in touch with the team via email at [email protected].

What we fund in COVID-19

Explore the groundbreaking projects that Elrha supports across the globe. From health innovations to disaster risk reduction, our funding drives impactful solutions in humanitarian contexts.

more projects

COVID-19 Support Hub

As COVID-19 continues to impact the world, organisations and communities are dealing with challenges on an unprecedented level. Through our Support Hub we’ve been sharing some of the resources and guidance created across the humanitarian community, as well as relevant tools and resources from us.

Image credits

  1. Banner image: Handwashing station at a public latrine in the Rohingya refugee camp, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Photo credit: Florian Haas, Austrian Red Cross. Provided as part of R2HC-funded study: ‘Psychological ownership and handwashing-device functionality during the COVID-19 crisis’.