Wheelchair Service Training Package: Basic Level

S Frost,K Mines,J Noon,E Scheffler,R Jackson Stoeckle
Output type
Tools and toolkits
United Kingdom
Focus areas
Inclusion of people with disabilities and older people
Health systems and services
Injury and rehabilitation

To ensure better implementation of the ‘Guidelines on the provision of manual wheelchairs in less resourced settings’, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed this Wheelchair Service Training Package – Basic Level. The need for wheelchair personnel is universal. The wheelchair is one of the most commonly used assistive devices for enabling personal mobility, but there are very few training opportunities for service providers to ensure that wheelchair users can attain personal mobility with the greatest possible independence, be productive and enjoy a high quality of life. This basic level training package is the first part of the wheelchair service training series.

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Inclusion of people with disabilities and older people
Health systems and services
Injury and rehabilitation
United Kingdom