Recommendations for Disaster Risk Assessment Approaches: Gaza Risk Reduction and Mitigation

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Occupied Palestinian Territory
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Disaster Risk Reduction
Innovation management
Jabalia, Gaza, an area close to the Israeli/Palestinian border that was hit hard by the 2008/2009 war in Gaza also known as "Operation Cast Lead." Credit: Katie Orlinsky/Caritas 2010

The Gaza Risk Reduction and Mitigation (GRRAM) project aimed to create a viable model for designing and implementing disaster risk reduction projects in complex humanitarian emergencies that occur in urban, conflict-prone areas with non-state actors. In this report, several approaches used to assess and analyze vulnerability and capacities are reviewed in order to recommend an appropriate approach for the Gaza context: Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Analysis (Oxfam); Community-Based Disaster Preparedness (CRS); Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (IFRC); Participatory Risk Assessment for Informal Settlements (UTC).

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Disaster Risk Reduction
Innovation management
Occupied Palestinian Territory
Catholic Relief Services