Policy brief: Les mesures de distanciation physique contre la Covid-19 ne peuvent être adoptées par les personnes déplacées internes au Mali

A research team from the University of Sciences Techniques and Technologies of Bamako's Faculty of Medicine (FMOS Bamako) have conducted a study to understand the implementation of health measures in response to COVID-19 among in Mali. Following their findings, this policy brief outlines why it is so difficult for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Mali to maintain physical distancing in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Given the deteriorating security situation in Mali, this policy brief encourages the relocation of IDPs to new sites with more space which will allow them to keep their distance and improve their lifestyle including improved access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities. It recommends advocating to mobilise partners, technical and financial resources to support this relocation. It also recommends that awareness-raising tools and channels must take into account the languages of IDPs who may not speak French fluently, and that access to isolation and quarantine sites is ensured.
Please note that the policy brief is only available in French.