Pilot testing and implementation of mhealth tool for non-communicable disease in humanitarian setting
G Burnham, S Doocy, Z Fahed, H Hei Tam, K Kontunen, E Lyles, A Mkanna, K Paik, E Winkler
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Given the protracted nature of the crisis in Syria, national and international assistance agencies face immense challenges in providing for the needs of refugees and the host Lebanese due to the high burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) among both populations. These are complex conditions to manage, and the resources for refugee care limited, having dramatic implications for Lebanon’s health system.
A longitudinal cohort study was implemented from January 2015 through August 2016 to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment guidelines and an mHealth application on quality of care and health outcomes for patients in primary health care facilities in Lebanon serving Syrian refugees and host communities.
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