Impact Case Study: Evaluation of Phone-Delivered Psychotherapy for Refugee Children
Children living in crisis settings are at increased risk of mental health problems, but few evidence-based interventions to support them are accessible. Increased access to mobile phones among refugee families offers an opportunity to increase access to treatment. This study investigated an intervention to support Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, delivered via mobile phone by trained, local non-specialists.
Despite a small sample size due to recruitment challenges, this study provided useful insights, indicating that the Common Elements Treatment Approach delivered by phone (t-CETA) is a promising scalable approach for providing mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services in emergency situations. The results influenced dialogue and demand among practitioners for t-CETA training and outputs. Learning and tools from the study have been used in programme delivery for two service delivery NGOs in Lebanon, and key stakeholders in the Ministry of Public Health in Lebanon were aware of the findings. Its lessons learned should inform future research projects on similar approaches, although a large-scale randomised controlled trial (RCT) will likely be needed to sustain the impact of this study on humanitarian policy and practice.
R2HC captures detailed case studies through a process that triangulates and validates evidence on uptake and impact. The case study methodology and full version of this summary case study including references are available on request. Outputs and resources from this study are available on the project page.