Final Evaluation Report: Gaza Risk Reduction and Mitigation

Output type
Occupied Palestinian Territory
Focus areas
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Disaster Risk Reduction
Innovation management
Jabalia, Gaza, an area close to the Israeli/Palestinian border that was hit hard by the 2008/2009 war in Gaza also known as "Operation Cast Lead." Credit: Katie Orlinsky/Caritas 2010

The Gaza Risk Reduction and Mitigation (GRRAM) project aimed to create a viable model for designing and implementing disaster risk reduction projects in complex humanitarian emergencies that occur in urban, conflict-prone areas with non-state actors. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the GRRAM project against the project’s key learning agenda, and based on this evaluation, come up with lessons learned from GRRAM that would feed into a potential follow-up project in Gaza, and in other interventions developed in contexts similar to Gaza.

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Disaster Risk Reduction
Innovation management
Occupied Palestinian Territory
Catholic Relief Services