Child Protection in Emergencies: Researching the impact of Child Friendly Spaces

World Vision UK
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Case study
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Children playing under the rising sun at New Generation CFS in Biidibidi. Over 1,200 children come here to play and during holidays children arrive at the centre as early as 7:00 am and leave later in the evening. World Vision with support from UNHCR and UNICEF runs 46 CFSs in the West Nile refugee response and these are attended by 33,000 children of different ages. The majority (63%), girls.

This case study, taken from World Vision's 2021 Impact report, showcases the R2HC-funded Child Friendly Spaces study.

This was one of the first studies undertaken to assess the effectiveness of Child Friendly Spaces - a widely used psycho-social support intervention in humanitarian settings. The case study outlines the findings of the research, as well as the impact that this research had on the future of Child Friendly Spaces.

World Vision and the humanitarian community now have an informed, evidence-based understanding of the effectiveness of Child Friendly Spaces and, most importantly, the knowledge and tools for how to improve their impact. The results of this research have so far helped humanitarian agencies to radically reframe their programmes, to provide holistic psycho-social support and child protection in emergency settings, a process of learning that is still ongoing. Mental health academics also have a better understanding of how to measure psycho-social change and wellbeing in children in these contexts.

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