Cash-based assistance and the nutrition status of pregnant and lactating women in the Somalia food crisis: A comparison of two transfer modalities

Shannon Doocy, Martin Busingye, Emily Lyles, Elizabeth Colantouni, Bridget Aidam, George Ebulu, Kevin Savage
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The tale that led Adelinda to this line-up is tragic. During South Sudan’s conflict, Adelinda’s husband was shot and killed. Around the same time, her daughter died in child birth, leaving six children in Adelinda’s care. Without enough money, the children often skipped meals and didn’t go to school regularly. When a World Vision and World Food Programme cash for training project was set up in Juba, Adelinda was selected as a beneficiary. Each month, Adelinda attends skills training where she’s learning about developing business ideas, varying sources of capital, marketing, business record keeping and the key pillars to business management. As she learns, over the course of six months, she receives $45 cash monthly to ensure her family’s needs are met. In the future, Adelinda plans to expand her shop selling peanut butter, tomatoes and onions by a roadside stand. “I’m doing it so I can help the children,” Adelinda says. “I will push them to be educated.”

Large-scale emergency assistance programmes in Somalia use a variety of transfer modalities including in-kind food provision, food vouchers, and cash transfers. Evidence is needed to better understand whether and how such modalities differ in reducing the risk of acute malnutrition in vulnerable groups, such as the 800,000 pregnant and lactating women affected by the 2017/18 food crisis.

The research team assessed changes in diet and acute malnutrition status among pregnant and lactating women receiving similarly sized household transfers over a four-month period delivered either as food vouchers or as mixed transfers consisting of in-kind food, vouchers, and cash over a four month period.

The findings show that within the context of the 2017/18 Somalia food crisis, the modality of assistance provided to pregnant and lactating women (mixed transfers or food-vouchers) made no difference in preventing acute malnutrition and protecting nutritional status.



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