A Cross-Country Network Analysis of Adolescent Resilience
In situations of adversity, young people draw on individual, relational, and contextual (community and cultural) resources to foster their resilience. Recent literature defines resilience as a capacity that is underpinned by a network of interrelated resources. Although empirical studies show evidence of the value of a network approach, little is known regarding how different country contexts influence which resources are most critical within a resource network and how resources interact for adolescent resilience.
A network analysis was conducted with data from studies that had used the Child and Youth Resilience Measure, including the R2HC funded study "Measuring the health and wellbeing impacts of a scalable programme of psychosocial intervention for refugee youth" in Jordan.
This study gives first empirical evidence from multiple countries that an interplay of social–ecological resources (such as individual skills, peer, caregiver and community support, and educational aspirations and opportunities) matter for adolescent resilience. Across countries, caregiver support appears to be most central for adolescent resilience. Future resilience interventions might apply this network approach to identify important, contextually relevant resources that likely foster additional resources.