Using participation to improve menstrual hygiene management in emergencies: IFRC's MHM kit

A Obrecht,A Robinson
Output type
Case study
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Focus areas
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
Innovation management
More than Just Luck

This case study explores IFRC’s innovation process in developing and testing a comprehensive relief item to meet more effectively and appropriately the menstrual hygiene needs of women and girls in emergencies. To address the multifaceted nature of menstrual hygiene management (MHM), grantees used a kit-based approach, including appropriate sanitary and hygiene items along with training for staff and information for beneficiaries. They developed two MHM kits – one containing disposable pads (Kit A) and the other reusable pads (Kit B) – with the aim of comparing the two. In addition to sanitary pads, each kit contains a selection of additional items needed to effectively and hygienically manage menstrual flow, such as underwear, soap and a bucket and educational materials.

This is one of 15 case studies undertaken by ALNAP in partnership with Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF), exploring the dynamics of successful innovation processes in humanitarian action. The case studies examine what good practice in humanitarian innovation looks like, what approaches and tools organisations have used to innovate in the humanitarian system, what the barriers to innovation are for individual organisations, and how they can be overcome. The case studies are synthesised in the summary report, 'More than just luck: Innovations in humanitarian action'.

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Final Report: PREP1: A social media analysis tool for PREParedness: validating user requirements
Research Snapshot: The experiences of IDPs in Mali during COVID-19
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Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
Innovation management
More than Just Luck
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