Reviewing Current Practices of Gender Based Violence Programmes in Emergencies in Nepal

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Gender-based violence (GBV)
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REACH enumerators conducting data collection for the 2019 CAR Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment. Photo credit: IMPACT Initiatives.

The 2015 earthquake of Nepal forced various international and national governmental and nongovernmental agencies to provide humanitarian aid to survivors of the disaster. Gender, though a recurring element in measuring background characteristics, does not receive the same level of weight among various analytical tools for post-disaster programmes. Programmes specific to gender and gender-based violence (GBV) in emergencies are also limited in scope and in their impact.

The objective of this study is to review and analyse various monitoring and evaluation practices used for the impact measurement of GBV programme interventions conducted by various organisations and government agencies during and post earthquake.

For the purpose of the study, Oxfam's team &; partners adopted a qualitative methodology. They conducted a literature review, 45 key informant interviews, six focused group discussions, eight interaction meetings, two consultation meetings and two data validation workshops at the national level and in Sindhupalchok district. A Hackathon was organised to devise innovative practices to measure the impact of GBV programmes in emergencies with local software engineers and GBV and GESI specialists. To ensure the study’s quality and veracity, a zero draft report was presented among project partners and stakeholders involved during the research, inviting them to validate the data.

Through this research, Oxfam identified many gaps in the measurement of the impact of GBV programming. Read their report to find out more.

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Participation for Humanitarian Innovation
Final Report: Using Small Sample Size Surveys in GBV Programs
Gender-based violence (GBV)
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Oxfam GB
Oxfam In Nepal