Addressing the mental health needs of those affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye

Gulsah Kurt, Ersin Uygun, A Tamer Aker, Ceren Acarturk
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Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)
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On Feb 6, 2023, two major earthquakes hit Türkiye and Syria, causing severe destruction and representing the European region's worst natural disaster in terms of death toll in over a century.

The trauma and stress associated with the İzmit earthquake had long-lasting negative effects on mental health, highlighting the importance of addressing mental health needs in the aftermath of natural disasters.

This correspondence suggests a stepped-care approach to service delivery during the recovery phase of the disaster, to allocate resources effectively and ensure sustainability of mental health and psychosocial support activities. On the basis of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee guidelines, it proposes a multilayered and multisectoral comprehensive action plan to guide mental health and psychosocial support activities in response to the emergency.

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Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS)
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