Community-Led Innovation Partnership: Innovation Catalogue

R Whitelaw
Output type
Tools and toolkits
Focus areas
Locally-led innovation

Launched in 2020, the Community-Led Innovation Partnership (CLIP) is a collaborative programme that brings together a group of like-minded humanitarian innovation actors to explore how communities can be placed at the heart of humanitarian response.

Our Innovation Catalogue showcases 45 projects from locally-led teams focused on Early Warning and Emergency Response, and Disaster Risk Reduction in humanitarian settings.

These innovators have been part of Phase 1 of the CLIP (2020 – 2023) in Guatemala, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

We'll be updating our catalogue as we move into Phase 2 of the programme, expanding our work to include innovators from South Sudan and supporting existing grantees in their next phase of growth.

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Too much to mask: determinants of sustained adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures among older Syrian refugees in Lebanon
NCD Guidelines and mHealth Records for Refugees in Lebanon
The Prevalence of Onchocerciasis-Associated Epilepsy in Mundri West and East Counties, South Sudan
Locally-led innovation
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