Scaling into New Country Programs

We have many new projects underway and have made substantial progress on our journey to scale. Here is a snapshot of the progress we have made in addition to our ongoing projects:
Recently we carried out an exploratory assessment in Colombia to learn more about the current situation and see ways Field Ready can work in this context through manufacturing and training. Colombia is still recovering from years of protracted conflict. Last year a peace agreement was signed between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Colombian government and the country is still plagued by instability. In addition to the ongoing polarization and conflict, there is an influx of Venezuelan refugees in dire need of humanitarian assistance.
We have developed a two-pronged strategy: one, helping with the peace process, by engaging where there have been a number of issues identified. The second is helping forcibly displaced people (including Venezuelans) along the border. We are keen to work in Colombia and know that our approach can help create a more peaceful future with immense opportunities.
In Jordan, we have been expanding our projects by building upon our recycling initiatives. Working in partnership with The Institute for University Cooperation (ICU), we are identifying key items we can make using recycled materials to train unemployed participants. The participants will be trained to work in a recycling factory where they will learn to make items for income generation, such as floor tiles and wall insulation.
The second program in Jordan is providing work opportunities for people with disabilities. So far, we have identified 19 participants for the program, predominantly Syrian refugees with spinal cord injuries. We will be working in partnership with Un Ponte Per (UPP) to create workshops for people with disabilities on how to create mobility aids.

Lastly, we are working in the Pacific Islands region to as part of the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP). We are in the early stages of our program, but there are initiatives currently underway such as plastics recycling and a latrine project to be used in emergencies. With the growing number of disasters in the region, we anticipate that our programs will continue to expand, and we are keen to respond to the myriad of disasters that may strike the region.
We have made significant strides to share our knowledge these past few months. This includes the release of the book, Managing Humanitarian Innovation, edited by Field Ready Executive Director, Dr. Eric James and Abigail Taylor. The book includes contributions of nearly 30 authors, including top thinkers, leaders, and doers in the field. This book helps readers with case-studies, tips and tools to innovate as an individual and within an organization. Please consider reading the book and sharing with your networks. For more information.
We will be back with more news in the coming months, in the meantime, you can follow our journey on Twitter @FldRdy.

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