The partnership of the MSQ project

Grantee insights
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Humanitarian Innovation
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The project consortium consists of thefollowing four organisations, which will jointly develop the MSQ field test kit. The consortium offers a good balancebetween researchers, users and suppliers. The consortium has combined experience in research, development andimplementation of sanitation systems.

BOKU, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna is ateaching and research institution with a focus on renewable resources and life sciences. The Institute of Environmental Biotechnology at IFA (Department of Agrobiotechnology) is concerned with investigations on biological processesand technical solutions for the protection and preservation of the environment. Major research areas are anaerobicdigestion, treatment of water effluents, contaminated soil and exhaust emissions. Other areas are the development of newprocesses and innovative technologies for the conversion of waste or by-products from agriculture and industry intovaluable products or as energysource.

Austrian Red Cross(AutRC), founded in 1880, is independent non-profit organization, guided by the fundamental principles of the Red CrossMovement. The Department of International Cooperation provides Humanitarian Aidand carries out long-term development cooperation projects. The AutRC enjoys an excellent reputation and long experiencein the water and sanitationsector.

WASTE is a not for profit organization specialized in sanitation in emergingmarkets. WASTE has a solid base of 30 years of experience in the urban and peri-urban sanitation and solid waste sectorand has an extensive network in about 30 low and middle income countries. Waste currently operates several projectsactive in which treatment processes are tested. It will provide access to the pilot test site and support the operationof the treatment plant and the field test kit during the pilot trial.

Butyl Products Ltd. founded in 1965 and based in Billericay, UK. Itdesigns and manufactures supply, storage, treatment, and water distribution systems for liquid containment applications.The company also offers emergency aid equipment for WASH disaster relief. It is very well connected in the humanitarianaid community and has organizations like IFRC, ICRC or OXFAM as itscustomers.

Author: JohannesBousek, BOKU

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