Improving MHM action in emergencies: disseminating IFRC's experiences

Grantee insights
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Humanitarian Innovation
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South Sudanese refugee women carrying their newly received Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Kits, West Nile, northern Uganda. Credit: Netherlands Red Cross/IFRC

Although there is growing attention tothe menstrual hygiene needs of women and girls, it is an area that continues to be overlooked or poorly addressed byhumanitarian actors, often in a ‘piecemeal’ and uncoordinated way.

But – women and girls continue to get theirmonthly periods when a disaster strikes or when they are forced to flee their homes from conflict or drought. So how can we be accountable to them and support them in managing their most basic needs?

South Sudanese refugee women carrying their newly received Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Kits, West Nile, northern Uganda. Credit: Netherlands Red Cross/IFRC

Since 2013, IFRChas been working to improve the way that Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is included and addressed in humanitarianactions. With the support of Elrha's Humanitarian Innovation Fund, reusable and disposable ‘MHM kits’ were trialled in 4 different contexts in Eastern Africa. Results showed that the MHM kits are an appropriate, valuable and effective relief item which improved the dignity, health, knowledge and confidence of adolescent girls and women. IFRC and partners also have experience implementing MHM in Asia, the MiddleEast and North Africa, and Europe.

Key findings from IFRC's innovation process ‘reinforce the need for a multifaceted approach to MHM, encompassing not only sanitary pads but a range of additional products,amendments to infrastructure andinformation’.

Malawi Red Cross volunteers holding a focus group discussion with girls to talk about their menstrual hygiene needs and challenges. Credit: Daniela Elzer/Malawi Red Cross

Aims and Objectives

Aiming to complement rather than duplicate other initiatives and resources, this currentproject has two main objectives:

  1. Disseminate the best practices and lessons learned from IFRC's experiences to date

Key activities include development of two animated videos for advocacy and training, case studies documentingkey lessons and recommendations from the East Africa MHM kit innovation process, a dissemination and best practiceworkshop planned for Q4 2018 and an e-learning module on MHM. An MHM Community of Practice and global Technical WorkingGroup has been initiated for improved coordination, exchange, and to support standardisation oftools.

Women reading and discussing IEC material on menstrual hygiene and how to stay healthy, Bwagiriza refugee camp, Burundi. Credit: Corinne Ambler/New Zealand Red Cross

2. Develop, adapt and improve guidance and tools to support effective, responsive and accountable MHM action

This includes development of Red Cross Red Crescent specific guidelines for MHM inEmergencies, practical tools for assessment and post-distribution monitoring, as well as pre-developed IEC (Information,Education and Communication) materials that can be adapted and translated locally.

The overarching goal of theproject is for improvements in the dignity and health of women and girls in humanitarian contexts.

Disseminationand advocacy will lead to increased awareness among decision makers – both within the Red Cross/Crescent and broaderhumanitarian community – on the importance of and need to address MHM in humanitarian programming. National Societieswill have improved knowledge, capacity and the practical tools to implement comprehensive, effective and accountable MHMactions in emergencies.

So, how is the project going and what are the next steps?

The core project team is in place, and a number ofactivities are already well underway.

The first webinar (of 3 planned in 2018) was held in April and was a greatsuccess. 173 people attended from every region of the world – very impressive because of the time differences! Whilemany attendees were from the water, sanitation and hygiene – or WASH – sector, a large number of those who joined werefrom a Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) background.

More effort is going in to linking and working togetherwith PGI teams within the Red Cross Red Crescent as a really important step to more cohesive, integrated programmingwhich better supports women and girls.

The first video advocating for increased awareness and action on MHM inemergencies is ready for MH day on the 28th May! (Watch it here)

The IFRC team looks forward to celebrating and to continuing to improve how humanitarian agencies meet the menstrual hygiene needs of women and girls around the world.

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