Tina Musuya

Executive Director, CEDOVIP

Tina is currently the Executive Director of CEDOVIP, a leading Ugandan Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) prevention organisation known for its ground breaking SASA! work on community mobilisation for preventing VAWG, and recently adapting SASA! for commercial sex exploitation of children and female genital mutilation (FGM) prevention. Tina's has focused on VAW prevention and evaluation in the East and Central African Region. She was the Community Prevention Expert Consultant on VAWG Helpdesk: Strengthening Prevention of Gender Based Violence in Rwanda- the ‘Indashikirwa’ programme, and recently consulted on the design of the World Bank Uganda Gender Based Violence prevention and response interventions to be developed under the EMERGE project. She is also a member of the Community for Understanding Scale Up (CUSP) and Coalition Of Feminists for Social Change (COFEM). Tina is a social development feminist with particular expertise in gender issues, violence against women programming in the sub-Saharan region and holds an MA in Sociology from Makerere University. She brings 15 years of professional experience focused on VAW programme development and implementation, advocacy for law reform and implementation, training and providing technical support to effective implementation of VAW prevention programmes. She has worked with diverse stakeholders, including bilateral donor agencies, UN agencies, international and national NGOs, national consultants and leading academic institutions, justice law and order sector, local governments and policy makers and maintains a very close working relationship with Raising Voices.

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