Angelina Nyajima Simon

Executive Director of Hope Restoration South Sudan, Deputy Chair for South Sudan NGO Forum

Angelina Nyajima Simon is a Women’s Rights & Gender Based Violence, Climate Change and Peace Building activist. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy and a Master’s in Humanitarian and Conflict Studies. She is the Executive Director of Hope Restoration South Sudan (HRSS). HRSS focuses on ending GBV and early Child Marriage; Women and Girls Socioeconomic Empowerment resilience projects and Protection and Peace building. Angelina has chaired the NNGO Forum twice and represents NNGOs in the UN-HCT (Humanitarian Country Team) and Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) in South Sudan. Angelina is a member of Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) for protection Policy Review, and a member of the NEC, Strategic Advisory Group Protection Cluster, GBV Cluster, Alliance for Empowering Partnership (A4EP), GBL-WS2 and Call to Action. She addressed the Security Council in March 2019 on the issues of SGBV in New York. In 2021-2022 Angelina has been appointed again as the deputy Chair for South Sudan NGO Forum as well as the HCT Representative.

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