Achayo Rose Obol

Chair, Board of Directors, National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda

Achayo Rose Obol is a female Ugandan with physical disability, a professional teacher as well as a social and community worker, who has experience in development work. She has worked at different levels of leadership within the National Union of women with disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU) where she is currently Chairperson of the Board of Directors. She has represented the voice of women with disabilities at different forums- local, regional and international conferences, and is a member of Network of African Women with Disabilities, a Board member of Disabled Women in Africa and a member of East African Disability Forum. Rose has been an activist in the disability movement in Uganda for the last 20 years. She has been mobilising and empowering women with disabilities with information on their rights and advocating for their inclusion in women’s rights movement and disability movements at all levels, as well as in humanitarian emergencies. She has contributed to the inclusion of refugee women and girls with disabilities in humanitarian action and influenced gender and disability related policies in Uganda and regionally using the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Rose is passionate about meaningful participation, recognition and visibility of women and girls with disabilities in refugee settlements.

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