Research Priorities for Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Crises: Focus on Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) pose a significant threat to the health and well-being of populations affected by humanitarian crises. Globally, factors such as ageing populations, increased life expectancy, and lifestyle have shifted the disease landscape, leading to a rise in the prevalence of NCDs. These diseases now account for 74% of global mortality, with even higher proportions in countries experiencing crises – 92% in Ukraine and 75% in the Syrian Arab Republic. Conditions like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and place additional strain on already overburdened healthcare systems.
Despite their prevalence, NCDs have historically received limited attention in humanitarian response efforts. The need for humanitarian responses to address NCD-related health issues is becoming increasingly evident, alongside the focus on preventing and managing communicable diseases, which has traditionally been the primary focus of many health responses. The provision of NCD care has expanded, with Ministries of Health and implementing organisations carrying out NCD surveillance, prevention, diagnosis, management, and treatment in crisis settings.
However, health actors need more evidence on what works to address the burden of NCDs in crisis settings to help make informed decisions and improve health outcomes.
Our 2021 Humanitarian Health Evidence Review identified that while there is increasing research on NCD interventions in crises, critical gaps remain. To systematically identify these, we commissioned an expert team from the International Rescue Committee and the American University of Beirut. Supported by technical specialists from the NCD community of practice, the team applied the established Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) methodology to set the research agenda for the next ten years. Given the wide-ranging nature of NCDs, this research prioritisation focuses on cardio-metabolic syndrome (CMS), a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
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Research priority questions for cardio-metabolic syndrome research in humanitarian settings
This work was commissioned by Elrha, conducted by researchers at the International Rescue Committee and the American University of Beirut, and steered by a Steering Committee and Technical Sub-Committee comprising researchers, humanitarian practitioners, representatives of Ministries of Health, funders, and patient advocates in the field of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in humanitarian crises.
This data visualisation presents the 43 priority questions for cardio-metabolic syndrome research in humanitarian settings, following a multi-stage consultation with NCDs researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. The questions can be reordered by professional group, gender, or region of work using the below filters.
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Research Question | Impact | Effectiveness | Feasibility | Deliverability | Average |
This work was commissioned by Elrha, conducted by researchers at the International Rescue Committee and the American University of Beirut, with the support of this project’s Steering Committee and Technical Sub-Committee.

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The objective of this research priority setting exercise is to help steer the research agenda on cardio-metabolic syndrome (CMS) and non-communicable diseases (NCD) in humanitarian settings for the next decade. Findings from this exercise can be applied to other NCDs, particularly those with similar risk factors and management approaches to CMS.
This exercise also aims to identify gaps and generate findings on CMS that will help guide prioritisation of future research efforts on NCDs, including a more in-depth understanding of context-specific needs regarding the management of NCDs in both acute and long-term humanitarian crises.

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