Follow the money: a deep dive into investments for humanitarian research and innovation

Webinar recording
If you have any questions about the work discussed, or would like to discuss the Global Prioritisation Exercise in further detail, please contact [email protected].As part of this year’s Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) we are hosting a hybrid panel discussion to share and discuss findings from our latest initiative, the Global Prioritisation Exercise (GPE), which maps and analyses humanitarian research and innovation actors, as well as outputs and investments that have been undertaken in the last five years.
Humanitarian needs are rising rapidly, and funding is not keeping up. In 2022, 274 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection, that’s one in 29 people. With needs growing, it is more important than ever that spending on humanitarian research and innovation (R&;I) strategies are as impactful as possible.
Following on from the 2017 inaugural Global Mapping Report which revealed that most innovation grants went to practitioners in high-income countries (HIC), far from where humanitarian needs are, the panel will explore and discuss what has changed in the last five years.
- Who determines which crises gets more R&;I funding over others?
- How well are research and innovation currently financed? Is it enough and is it fair?
- How much is being invested and distributed in relation to humanitarian needs?
- How does the R&;I funding culture affect the humanitarian system?
Our panel will feature individuals from the academic, humanitarian and funding spaces, including:
- Mark Bowden, Chair of the GPE Reference Group and Senior Research Associate with the Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute
- Jess Camburn, CEO, Elrha
- Samer Jabbour, Professor of Public Health Practice at the American University of Beirut’s Faculty of Health Sciences
To participate, you need to register for our session on the HNPW website. Once you register you will receive further details on how to join in person or how to connect to our online panel discussion via Zoom
Co-hosted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The 8th edition of the HNPW is the largest event of its kind, with more than 250 sessions scheduled and some 50 virtual exhibition stands published by more than 50 humanitarian networks and partnerships.
You can find out more about HNPW 2022 and browse the full programme here.