Setting research and innovation priorities: how can we ensure meaningful participation of people affected by crises?

Webinar recording
If you have any questions about the work discussed, or would like to discuss our gap analyses in further detail, please contact [email protected].
As part of this year's Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week we're hosting an online panel exploring the challenges associated with ensuring meaningful participation of people affected by crises in identifying priority gaps in humanitarian research and innovation. We'll also be highlighting opportunities for humanitarian practitioners to use the findings of reviews we've recently funded to inform their own work and practice.
The panel discussion will take place on 29 April 2021, and again on 6 May 2021 and will be chaired by Elrha Trustee, Wendy Fenton, Coordinator of the Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN) &; Senior Research Fellow, ODI.
Speakers include
Our panel will feature individuals consulted in three of our Gap Analyses and one research priority setting, which looked at Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), the Inclusion of People with Disability and Older People in humanitarian response, gender-based violence (GBV) and Mental Health and Psycho-social Support (MHPSS).
Lily Chrysant Kusumowardoyo
Lily Chrysant is a Partnership Manager, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Indonesia and the Philippines (ABS). She has a masters degree in gender and development and for more than a decade has been focusing on social inclusion and community resilience through her work with various international development organisations, both in Indonesia and overseas. In recent years, she has been working with ASB to achieve more inclusive humanitarian response, both through research and practice
Maureen Murphy
Maureen is a Research Scientist with the Global Women’s Institute (GWI) at the George Washington University where her primary research focus is on violence against women and girls in conflict and post-conflict settings. Prior to joining GWI, she worked in monitoring and evaluation with numerous humanitarian aid agencies. She is currently a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) candidate in Global Health at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University.
Dessy Sussanty
Dessy is a clinical psychologist by training with over 13 years’ experience in developmental and humanitarian contexts. With the work focus on children living in disaster and poverty-affected settings and specialized in MHPSS, child protection, and M&;E, Dessy has worked with International NGO, Consultancy, and UN Agency in Indonesia, Timor Leste, and South Sudan as a project coordinator, researcher, and consultant. She recently did consultancy work for Health Right International coordinating qualitative research in Indonesia for MHPSS-SET2.
Roba Aldaour
Roba works as a WASH Public Health Officer at Oxfam in Palestine. She has extensive experience in the humanitarian sector, working for 8 years in the WASH and environmental health sectors. Since 2016, Roba leads the Hygiene Promotion working group under the WASH cluster where she supports organisations working in the WASH sector to shape and implement hygiene promotion interventions. Roba also holds a bachelor degree in environmental engineering.
Some of the questions we'll explore
- Participation of people affected by crises is currently difficult for everyone due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. How did the their study seek to ensure inclusion of the voices of affected people?
- What were the challenges to realising this in practice?
- What is the value of taking a humanitarian challenge as broad as WASH/DOAI/ GBV/MHPSS, and exploring its different elements through a gap analysis/research priority setting?
- How can such reviews advance their respective agendas and be further used to inform humanitarian response?
Who is this panel for?
- Humanitarian actors interested in learning about and contributing to good practice in engaging people affected by crisis in studies that inform the focus of humanitarian research and innovation.
- Humanitarian decision makers and practitioners that will use the outcomes of our Gap Analyses and Research Priority setting to inform their programming.
What you'll leave with
- Increased awareness of the importance of an evidence-based approach to humanitarian research and innovation and the priorities they seek to address.
- Increased awareness and use of the gap analyses / prioritization exercises and their relevance for the sectors concerned and wider humanitarian community.
- An exploration of the challenges facing the realisation of a participatory humanitarian research and innovation agenda, including how this is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how such challenges might be addressed.
- Beneficial conversations generated amongst and between the sectors related to these four reviews, and with the wider humanitarian practitioner community, on the importance of identifying shared and evidenced priorities for humanitarian research and innovation and of these being informed by the needs and views of people affected by crisis.
How to register
In order to attend our panel discussion, you need to register for our session on the HNPW website. Once you register you will receive further details on how to connect to our online panel discussion via Zoom.
About the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks 2021
Co-hosted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The largest event of its kind: the 7th edition of the HNPW will once again gather experts and humanitarian professionals from more than 40 participating networks and partnerships.
You can find out more about HNPW 2021 and browse the full programme, here.