2019 Research Forum

Building on the success of our first Research Forum in 2017, our 2019 event offered a unique opportunity for our R2HC community to come together and share knowledge and good practice from our collective experience of conducting public health research in humanitarian crises.
Once again, we brought together humanitarian health academics, practitioners and key stakeholders, to allow for sharing and exchange of the cross-cutting evidence and knowledge that's been generated across our funded research studies.
Read the Research Forum Report
Discover the discussions that took place, as well as the key messages and recommendations, in our Forum Report.
[.cta_link]Read the report[.cta_link]
[.slimline-cta-box][.slimline-cta_heading]Did you attend the Forum?[.slimline-cta_heading][.slimline-cta_paragraph]If you attended the Research Forum you can get more information by logging into the Research Forum Hub.[.slimline-cta_paragraph][.slimline-cta-box]
Forum visual notes
During the Forum a team of artists capturing our conversations - see the full artistic wall display.
[.cta_link]See the full image[.cta_link]