Annual report 2019

This year we supported over 100 research studies and innovation projects around the world. These help us to define and address evidence gaps in the humanitarian sector, increase our understanding of key problems and challenges, develop new solutions and evidence, and drive the uptake and adoption of new approaches into humanitarian policy and practice.

Annual report 2019

Welcome to our Annual Review 2019.

This year we supported over 100 research studies and innovation projects around the world. These help us to define and address evidence gaps in the humanitarian sector, increase our understanding of key problems and challenges, develop new solutions and evidence, and drive the uptake and adoption of new approaches into humanitarian policy and practice.

Our research studies and projects are supported through our Research for Health in
Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) and Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) programmes;
each focusing on key thematic areas of humanitarian practice, including Humanitarian
Public Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
and Disability and Older Age Inclusion (DOAI).

We have also been continuing to focus on scaling innovation, as well as expanding our work on suppor ting locally-led innovation through our unique partnership with ADRRN, and we have responded to acute crises including the Ebola outbreak in DRC and Cyclone Idai in Mozambique.

Read on for an in-depth look into 2019…

Elrha annual report 2019

An in-depth look at our activities in 2019.

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